Leonhard Moll Foundation

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Leonhard Moll construction company, the Moll family set up two sponsorship foundations at TUM and LMU, in September 1994. Since then, these have served to promote young academics in Eastern European countries.

How do the four foundation scholarship holders each year get a room in the WGH? The Willi Graf student dorm has always had the special task of facilitating encounters between German and foreign students. Therefore, Georg Drost, as a representative of the Leonhard Minor Group, who has been voluntarily associated with the WGH for decades, asked, whether the WGH would be willing to provide rooms. The WGH Home Council agreed to the proposal, whereupon the WGH Board of Directors concluded appropriate contracts with the Foundation in 1995.

Quote from the minutes of the 1995 general meeting: "We see it as an opportunity to expand our international composition in this way to include students from Eastern Europe and hope that the students arriving on August 1, 1995, will be well received in our home and enrich our house community."

To date, more than 100 students, primarily in architecture and historic preservation, as well as art history studies, from the universities in Wroclaw, Krakow, Budapest, Prague, and, since 2007, from the university in Tel Aviv, have each spent a year living at the WGH, studying at TUM or LMU, and have also taken part on a studyspecific internship.

What was considered an "experiment" at the time, has since then developed positively. A student from Tel Aviv wrote at the end of his stay: "In general, Munich was great! I had a lot of fun walking around the city, enjoying its atmosphere, its culture and its ... beer. The Willi Graf was of course a major part of this year. Though it was not always easy with the language, it made me feel I have a home and friends to come back to at the end of the day. Thank you for a great year and I hope to stay in touch!"

The association's cooperation with the Leonhard Moll Foundation has proven its worth for many years. In particular, the foundation currently aims to support and supervise four students from Eastern European countries. In addition, the foundation supports the work of the student dorm association and thus the student community with numerous donations (such as furnishing the clubrooms).

Bund Neudeutschland Catholic Student Youth

The Bund Neudeutschland (ND) was founded in 1919 as an emancipatory effort by young people, to critically examine the destruction of war and the changes in moral values and society. Today, Bund Neudeutschland consists of two communities:

  • First, the Catholic Student Youth (KSJ) and second, the Community of Catholic Men and Women (KMF)
  • Under the motto "New Shaping of Life in Christ", part of the ND tradition is the will to shape one's own life, in order to contribute to the ongoing spiritual renewal of Germany. NDers are critical and committed.


  • Community of Catholic Men and Women (KMF)
  • Catholic Student Youth KSJ
  • Bund Neudeutschland ND
  • About the history of the ND

In 1954, members of the Bund Neudeutschland founded the "Heimverein" in Munich, in order to do something together against the housing shortage of their students (the New German students had formed their own "Hochschulring" in 1947).
Thanks to the commitment of many ND members, which continues to this day, the student dorm in Hiltenspergerstraße was finally inaugurated in 1964. The member of the Bund Neudeutschland, the student Willi Graf, who had actively resisted the National Socialist regime of injustice, through his participation in the actions of the "White Rose" in Munich, became the eponym of the dorm - and a role model for today's students.


Our supporting association is a member of the following groups: